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Physical Rescue Drill at The Hanson Asphalt Plant


Adamsburg, High Park, and Carbon VFD, gathered at the Hanson Asphalt Plant in our first due for a Technical Rescue Drill. Volunteers responded to a report of an injured person at the top of a 75 ft. silo. Quint and Rescue 10 arrived and were assigned patient size up, packaging,  and preparation. High Park arrived and was assigned the RIT responsibility for the Silo Rescue Team. Truck 23 then arrived and staged in front of the building to send its Aerial to the top of the silo. The Rescue team packaged and moved the patient to Truck 23’s bucket where the the stokes basket was attached to special arms built into the aerial. Truck 23 lowered the patient and patient care was then transferred to Medic 324. ACVFD and all the departments involved would like to thank The Hanson Corporation for the opportunity to drill at thier site and for the great hospitality.


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