Engine Company 10’s flagship is Engine 10, a 2002 KME Panther Pumper. Engine 10 has a 1,000 gallon tank and a 1,500 GPM pump. It is also equipped with 2,100 feet of 5” large diameter hose, a prepiped deck gun, 10 kilowatt PTO Generator, a 3,000 watt light tower, a PPV fan, Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, a Bullard Thermal Imaging Camera, a flammable gas detector, an automated external defibrillator (AED) and BLS medical equipment. In addition, Engine 10 now carries set of Hurst 32B Jaws and Hurst O-Cutters powered by a Hurst Electric Generator. Additional rescue equipment includes cribbing, rope, and PFD’s