Adamsburg and Community Volunteer Fire Department Rotating Header Image

Main St. Electrical Issue

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Storms ended a water supply drill early, however they signaled a long night for ACVFD. A short while after returning from the drill, Station 10 and the first alarm assignment were sent to Main St., Adamsburg Borough for a report of an electrical entrance arcing. The Quint, Engine, Service, and Rescue responded. Chief 10 assigned the Quint to the address, with the Engine 10 setting up just behind the Quint. Personnel working found the entrance wire coming from the electrical meter to the house arcing to the house. The interior crew checked within a wall for some extension and found none. Precautions were taken to make sure this electrical issue didn’t turn into a fire. Due to the uncontrollable nature of the incident the balance of the alarm was sent to staging. Once the issue was mitigated the interior areas and exterior were checked, Chief 10 cleared all units. Units onscene including ours were, Engine 2, Rescue 2, Engine 61, Engine 94, Engine 112, the township special equipment, RITs 104, 87, and 8.

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